Komis 2 is composed of two NO cylinders in known N2 concentration (within 1000 ppm), a supply control system, managed by CPU as well as by servoactuators required for N2 circuits cleaning process. NO supply system Komis 2 is a calibrated orifice flow generator device (cylinders of NO diluited in Nitrogen of known concentration) with adjustable pressure controlled from a proportional electrovalve. Needed supply pressure to support right ppm/min of planned therapy are calculated by CPU with known cylinders’ NO concentration. Komis 2 also has a calculation utility that obtains NO value from I/E patient ratio and his inhalation frequency. Feeding is admitted only after inerting of involved circuits by N2 contained in the third cylinder to avoid NO reaction with environmental humidity, generating Nitric Acid or with O2 generating NO2. The inerting procedure forecast the exhaust of washing gases directly through a filter suitable for nitrogen oxides depressurized by a system powered by compressed air. Same system provide depressurization into the whole cabinet to avoid atmosphere immission of small NO leakeage (defectives proofs, gaskets and so on…)
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